I received an unexpected gift. Carson Cooman dedicated to me a few of his gifted compositions. The series is called A Czech Liturgical Year, five hymn preludes for organ.
The commissions were paid by a benefactor (Erik Simmons), so that these preludes could be created and given to the organists for free. Hence, with the permission, I am publishing the scores here for free download. The preludes are based on the Czech Liturgical Hymns (sacred songs) which are very popular and often sung during the services. Hence, these musical pieces by Carson Cooman may be well used during the liturgy to let the gathered people hear the familiar themes and "tune" them into the appropriate key and mood. Most of the hymn are "international" and have lyrics available in many languages.
>>> Carson Cooman: A Czech Liturgical Year. Download the PDF - scores! <<<
The sacred hymns used by Carson Cooman for this series of preludes:
- 1.) Advent: Gaudeamus pariter (Všichni věrní křesťané; When The King shall come Again; Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain; Komm, Herr, segne uns)
- Listen... GaudeamusPariter
- 2.) Christmas: En virgo parit filium (Narodil se Kristus Pán; Freu' dich Erd' und Sternenwelt)
- Listen... En virgo parit
- 3.) Lent: Matka pláče (Weeping Mother)
- Listen... Matka pláče
- 4.) Easter: Aleluja! Živ buď nad smrtí (Alleluja! Des Todes starker Überwinder; Alleluja żyw juz jest śmierci Zwyciężyciel)
- Listen... Aleluja! Živ buď
- 5.) Maria: Tisíckrát pozdravujeme Tebe (Tausendmal stets wollen wir dich grüßen; Shout for Joy to Yahweh; Po tysiąckroć pozdrawiamy Ciebie)
- Listen... Tisíckrát pozdravujeme
The demos were recorded using the Rotterdam Hoofdorgel sample set.