Prytanée sample set

Prytanée, Levasseur-Dangeville Organ (1640, 1772)

The church of St. Louis was dedicated in 1621 as a part of a college founded by Jesuits for the education of the domestic servants of the king and queen. Later, it became a famous French military college. Among many other outstanding scholars, René Descartes studied there.

The organ case was made in 1638 by Pierre Frileux and Pierre Cornet. In 1640, Ambroise Levasseur was commissioned to build an organ to occupy that lavishly decorated case. In addition to his own work, he used some preexisting ranks and organ parts of unknown origin. The exact stop list of the Levasseur organ is unknown.

Jean Dangeville arrived in December 1772 and lived in the college for six months while working on the organ. He added a second Trompette to the manual and added the echo division among other work. As the result, the instrument then had 30 stops on 4 manuals and pedal.

During 19th century, the instrument underwent various alterations. By 1927, when the organ was inspected, its stoplist differed substantially from the 18th century specification. Among other items, the Grand Orgue had a Salicional, the Positif had an Oboe, the Récit and Echo were completely removed.

Between 1935-1963, the Gonzales organ building company made several repairs to the instrument, returning it in some aspects to its original condition. The complete restoration of the instrument finally occured in 1992-1996. Organbuilders Benoist and Sarelot scrupulously returned the instrument into its baroque state. The voicing was executed by Jean-Pierre Conan. About 1/3 of the pipes are original, dating from the 17th century. The original pitch of a= 392 Hz was restored, and the organ was tuned in a mild unequal temperament similar to that of Werckmeister III.


The samples are offered in 48kHz/24bit resolution. The multiple releases have three levels: short, mid and long. Hauptwerk v4.2 and higher supported. The sample set is offered in plain wave format.

Reverb time

The reverb time is ca. 5.5 seconds.

Keyboards, pedalboard

The original compass of the keyboards is 49 keys (C, c3), the low C# missing. A dedicated mixer switch in Hauptwerk allows for expanded the compass to 54 (f3) keys virtually. The original compass of the pedal division is 27 keys (C-d1), extended to f1 in the sample set. Trompette and Clairon in pedal offer the Ravalement, i.e. the low C# sounding the contra A.


All ranks were recorded with the Tremulant for the most convincing tremulant behavior. The ranks are marked "tremmed" in the rank description.


RAM consumption: 8-channel surround

  • 16-bit, other settings default:  34 GB
  • 20-bit, other settings default:  57 GB (recommended)
  • 24-bit, other settings default:  66 GB

RAM consumption: 2-channel (front-direct solo for a wet experience)

  • 16-bit, other settings default:  9.5 GB
  • 20-bit, other settings default:  15 GB
  • 24-bit, other settings default:  17.5 GB

Screen resolution 1280x1024 px or more.

Polyphony of 5500 voices recommended for the full suround (3000 pipes minimum).

Surround format

The sample set is offered in the Surround variant (8 channels). There are front-direct (semi-dry) channels, featuring the sound of the organ immediately in front of the organ case. The diffuse and the distant perspectives captured the sound in the church, further from the organ. The rear perspectives is designed for the rear speakers of the audio setup (where available). The perspectives can be mixed together freely to achieve any virtual listening position, or used separately - depending on the prefererences of the user. A dedicated "mixing desk" is available in Hauptwerk to mix the sound to the desired level

1. Positif C–c3 [f3]
Bourdon 8'
Prestant 4'
Flute a biberon 4'
Nasard 2 2/3'
Doublette 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Larigot 1 1/3'
Fourniture III
Cymbale II
Cromorne 8'
2. Grand Orgue C–c3 [f3]
Bourdon 16'
Montre 8'
Bourdon 8'
Prestant 4'
Flute 4'
Doublette 2'
Quarte 2'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Flageolet 1'
Fourniture IV
Cymbale III
Cornet V
Trompette 8'
Clairon 4'
Voix humaine 8'
3. Récit c1–c3 [f3]
Cornet V
4. Echo c0–c3 [f3]
Bourdon 8'
Prestant 4'
Cornet III
Cromorne 8'
Pédale C–d1 [f1]
Flute 8'
Flute 4'
Trompette 8'
Clairon 4'


  • Pos/GO; GO/Ped.


  • Tremblant doux, Tremblant fort.






Console view:

This is the general console view. It serves to define the keyboard MIDI inputs for all the divisions. The active part of this view are the manuals, the pedal. Specifying the MIDI inputs is done by right-clicking on the desired manual or pedal.




Mixer view:

The virtual listening position is adjusted here. The mixer settings can be stored, retrieved, reset. 3 different mixer settings can be stored/recalled any time.
The slider for the pipe coupling makes the effect more prominent (more distuning) when up, or less (when down). If the lowest position, the effect is switched off.
The blower switch should be always on. When off, the wind to the organ will stop and there will be no sound. Tremulant switch allows selection between the real (recorded) and artificial tremulant. The Compass switch allows for extension of compass.





Stops view:

All stops of the instrument can be accessed from a single screen. Each stop can be MIDI-learned by right click.





Left+Right Jambs view:

All the stops and other controls of the organ can be found also here. The layout for dual touch screens. The design allows for portrait or landscape orientation, according to the orientation of the touch screens.




Left + Right Jambs Vertical view:

the dual stop jambs offer vertical (portrait) orientation as an alternative.






Simple Jamb:

simplified version of a single jamb to allow for more readable version of the stop names on small LCD touch screens. There are two variants: landscape and portrait. All the stops of the organ can be found here. Physical pistons or draw stops can be assigned to a virtual button on screen by right-clicking on the button.


  1. Prytanee Surround, Vol.0

    Prytanee Surround Sample Set. Vol. 0, Core Media pack. Surround sample set, 8 channels, 4 microphone perspectives. Plain wave format. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.)

    Price: Excl. Tax: €0.00 Incl. Tax *: €0.00 Excl. Tax

    Detail & order

  2. Prytanee Surround, Vol.1

    Prytanee Surround Sample Set. Vol. 1. Surround sample set, 8 channels, 4 microphone perspectives. Plain wave format. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.)

    Price: Excl. Tax: €300.00 Incl. Tax *: €363.00 Excl. Tax

    Detail & order

  3. BUNDLE Caen + Prytanée Surround Sample Sets

    Caen Surround and Prytanée Surround sample sets together.
    €666.40 Excl. Tax

    Detail & order

    Original price: (excl. tax)€833.00
    Bundle sale (20%):
    - €166.60