Den Haag - Lutherse Kerk Sample Set - Demo

The sample set of the Bätz organ in the Lutherse Kerk in Den Haag has a demo available for free. 13 stops, including the tremulant samples and all perspectives. The demo sample set allows to test various stops from the manuals and the pedal. It forms a nice complete organ on its own. The specification of the free sample set:

I  Rugwerk II Hoofdwerk III Bovenwerk Pedaal
Holpyp 8′ Prestant 8′ Quintadeen 8′ Prestant 16′
Fluit 4′ Octaaf 4′ Roorfluit 4′ Subbas (zw) 16′
Flageolet 1′ Quint 3′  Vox Humana 8′
 Octaaf 2′
 Tremulant Tremulant Tremulant

The free sample set is to be ordered from the dedicated web page.