BUNDLE Rotterdam Hoofdorgel Surround+Dry
Save 22% compared to the standard price. -
Cembalo Ruckers Sample Set
A virtual software model of the Ruckers haprsichord. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
St. Martini Sample set, Full Surround (8-chan.)
8-channel surround variant (Direct, Diffuse, Distant, Rear). Encrypted, dongle protected. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 7. (Also works in all higher versions.). -
St. Martini Semi-Dry Sample Set
Semi-Dry, close-up recording. Plain wave format. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
Noordbroek Virtual Organ, vol. 0 (Core)
Noordbroek Semi-Dry and Surround Sample Set. Vol. 0 (Core package). This volume of the sample set is also the Demo version. Plain wave format, no encryption. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.).
Rotterdam Hoofdorgel Dry Sample Set
Rotterdam Hoofdorgel Dry Sample Set. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
Rotterdam Transept Dry Sample Set
2-channel stereo. No reverb (dry). Encrypted, Minimum Hauptwerk version: 5. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
Zutphen Semi-Dry Software Sample Set
Zutphen Baderorgel Model - semi-dry, plain wave format. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
Zwolle Dry and Surround Bundle
Save 28% compared to the standard price. Hauptwerk-encrypted sample sets. -
Zwolle Dry Sample Set
Zwolle organ model, Dry variant. Encrypted! Minimum Hauptwerk version: 5. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
Zwolle Dry Upgrade to iLok licence
Zwolle organ model, Dry variant - upgrade from an earlier version. Available only to the owners of the previous version. Encrypted! Requires iLok licence system.