Germany, Poland, Romania
Billerbeck-Dom Sample Set, Vol.1+Vol.2, 6-channel surround
Orgelbau Fleiter, surround variant , 6 channels, plain wave format (no encryption). Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.). -
Billerbeck-Dom Sample Set, Vol.3, Semi-dry variant
Orgelbau Fleiter, semi-dry variant , 2 channels, plain wave format (no encryption). Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.). May also be used together with the surround sample set to form an 8-channel surround sample set. -
Billerbeck-Dom Sample Set, Vol 1 + Vol. 2 + Vol.3, 8-chan. Surround
Orgelbau Fleiter, Complete Sample Set, 8 channels, plain wave format (no encryption). Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.)
Billerbeck-Dom Sample Set, Vol. 1 (Demo)
Orgelbau Fleiter, surround variant , 8 channels, plain wave format (no encryption). Hauptwerk v.4.2 or higher required (incl. HW5). Free Demo set. Add to cart for no price and download. -
Frankfurt (Oder), Sauer, Surround, vol.0
Frankfurt Sample Set vol. 0. (free volume, semi-dry and surround, 8 channels). Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. Free volume, selection of stops. Taste the surround and semi-dry variants together in one sample set. -
Frankfurt (Oder), Sauer, Surround, vol.1
Frankfurt Sample Set vol. 1. Surround channels, 6 channels (direct, diffuse, rear). Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. Works together with Vol.0. No semi-dry channels! -
Frankfurt (Oder), Sauer, Semi-Dry, vol.2
Frankfurt Sample Set vol. 2 (semi-dry channels). Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. Works together with Vol.0 -
Frankfurt (Oder), Sauer, 8-channels (surround+sedmi-dry), vol.1+2
All 8 channels of the Frankfurt sample set together, usable in one sample set. Semi-dry, direct, diffuse and rear channels. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. -
Goerlitz Sonnenorgel Full Sample Set (Vol. 1+2+3)
Goerlitz Surround Sample set. Full. 87 stops. 6-channel surround (front-direct, front-diffuse, rear). Encrypted! Minimum Hauptwerk version: 6. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
Goerlitz Sonnenorgel Medium Sample Set (Vol. 1+2)
Goerlitz Surround Sample set. Medium. 58 stops. 6-channel surround (front-direct, front-diffuse, rear). Encrypted! Minimum Hauptwerk version: 5. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
Goerlitz Sonnenorgel Sample Set Small edition (Vol. 1)
Goerlitz Surround Sample set, Small edition. 31 stops. 6-channel surround. No encryption. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 5. (Also works in all higher versions.) -
Hildesheim, Beckerath virtual organ, Vol.1
Hildesheim, St. Andreas - Rudolf von Beckerath Sample Set, vol. 1. Direct, diffuse, rear channels. 21 sounding stops. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. Free volume. -
Hildesheim, Beckerath virtual organ, Vol.2
Hildesheim, St. Andreas - Rudolf von Beckerath Sample Set, vol. 2. Direct, diffuse, rear channels. All stops. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. Works together with vol. 1 forming the complete sample set. -
Krzeszow Surround Sample Set
Krzeszow organ model, Surround variant, including Wet. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.)