Arnstadt Bachorgel Sample Set, vol.0
Arnstadt Bachorgel Sample Set, vol. 0. Surround, 8-channels. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. Free volume, 9 stops. -
Arnstadt Bachorgel Sample Set, vol.1
Arnstadt Bachorgel Sample Set, vol. 1. Surround, 8-channels. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. Works together with Vol.0 forming the full sample set. You need to download and install also the vol.0 to get the full sample set working! -
Segovia - Echevarria Sample Set, vol. 1
Surround Sample Set, vol. 1. Direct, diffuse, rear channels. Free sample set. Stand-alone (demo) sample set featuring selection of stops. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. -
Segovia - Echevarria Sample Set, vol. 2
Surround Sample Set, vol. 2. Direct, diffuse, rear channels. Works together with vol.1. Both volumes together form the complete sample set. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.) No encryption. -
Kiedrich Surround Software Sample Set
Kiedrich Surround. Minimum Hauptwerk version: 4.2. (Also works in all higher versions.)